Thursday, March 29, 2007

what is use of Marriage?

recently landed what is use of Marriage? why Marry?

first, I would recommend-- Chasing good life : on being single just to highlight single or married life, happiness/success,et.. will depend on the person.

Having said that--Communication, intimacy and companionship are three of the big draws to a permanent relationship. The warmth of knowing that someone cares and will be there to listen is a common pull to settle down and marry.

Many marry because they find that their relationship challenges them to better themselves. Living alone or in a relationship without commitment doesn’t offer the same challenge to better yourself. An unmarried person has to worry only about themselves. Marriage and children help a person jump over that hump and care about others.

It’s difficult to be selfish when you live with others who demand that you give of yourself; living with a pet demands responsibility, but it certainly doesn’t encourage anyone to be a “mensch.”

Say for Pet lovers -- pet places no challenges on its owner to improve. Animals accept their owner with unconditional love. Though each person dreams to be accepted and loved unconditionally, the truth is that we all need to improve our character and marriage challenges us to do just that.

Ultimately, though maybe not consciously but people marry because of the spiritual and esoteric reasons.

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