Friday, February 16, 2007

Wife School...

wow, wish atleast some of is true and possible..;-D)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Saint Valentine,.. and (hi)story goes...

I've often wondered how patron saints are chosen. I sometimes imagine celestial arm-wrestling matches with the winners getting the best holidays, or maybe some saints just have better public relations people than others. In reality, a great deal of consideration is given when selecting a patron saint, and there are usually obvious connections between saints and their causes.

Take our friend Valentine, for instance. Around the year A.D. 270 in Rome, emperor Claudius II outlawed marriage, fearing that married men would make inferior soldiers. Apparently approval ratings weren't quite as important in politics back then. Valentine, bishop of Interamna, invited couples to come see him and marry in secret.

Claudius, obviously not a romantic deep down inside, promptly told Valentine to renounce Christianity or face certain death. Valentine not only refused, but also tried to convert the emperor to Christianity. This so displeased Claudius that he had Valentine clubbed. Then stoned. Then beheaded.. on 14th Feb 270A.D.

And you thought you were a martyr for love!

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