Monday, May 31, 2010

Why do some Relationship Fail?

Landed on this.. .thought its interesting to share here..

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman lays out a relatively simple but profound theory based on a very straight forward framework that may have broad relevance.

He believes that there are 5 primary love languages and everybody has a primary (usually one, maybe two) love language which makes them feel loved. Importantly, their primary love language is not necessarily the way they communicate love to others – but it’s how they feel loved by others. The 5 languages are:

Physical Touch – hugs, kisses, physical play, affection, etc.
Words of Affirmation – words of praise, encouragement, adoration, admiration, etc.
Quality Time – focused, attentive time in a joint activity, conversation, etc.
Gifts – self explanatory: meaningful, thoughtful gifts
Acts of Service – helping out with projects, responsibilities, homework, tasks, etc.
So, that’s the framework. The theory on why some relationships are strained is pretty straight forward:

Everyone has a primary love language – which is how they receive love.
People tend to communicate love to others with their own primary love language.
But, if the other person has a different primary love language, they will not feel loved.
For example – your primary love language may be words of affirmation. But, if your child’s love language is physical touch – no amount of verbal praise will replace your child’s need for hugs, physical play, and so forth. Or your love language may be physical touch, but your spouse’s may be acts of service. So, no amount of affection will replace the love communicated through service acts like cleaning up the house, cooking a meal, or taking out the garbage. That’s why two people in a relationship can be trying hard but not communicating love to each other because they don’t recognize the distinction in each person’s primary love languages.

The book gives more insight into how to determine someone’s primary love language, practical ideas around each love language, and more insight and detail on what each love language means. OK, I never thought I’d write a blog post with the word “love” in it 25 times.

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